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Rules of badminton

The rules of badminton outline how the game is played and governed. Here are the fundamental rules of badminton: Scoring System: A badminton match consists of the best of three games. Each game is played to 21 points. A point is scored on every rally, regardless of which side is serving. A player or team must win by a margin of two points. Serving: The serving side must strike the shuttlecock below their waist with the racket head pointing downwards. The serve must go diagonally over the net to the opponent’s service court. Scoring: Points are scored when the shuttlecock hits the ground within the opponent's court boundaries, or if the opponent commits a fault (e.g., hitting the shuttlecock into the net or out of bounds). Court and Equipment: The badminton court is a rectangular space divided by a net. The game can be played in singles (one player per side) or doubles (two players per side). The shuttlecock, a feathered or plastic projectile, is hit back and forth over the net
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